Active questions

The current active question is about The League of Nations:

  1. Start your post with a heading 'Manchuria' or 'Abyssinia'
  2. Use facts and evidence about this crisis to make a point which is relevant to the failure/weakness of the League of Nations. 
  3. Ensure that this is fully explained to show how this helped to weaken the LON. 


  1. Manchuria:
    The League's failure to stop the aggressive invasion of another country was noted by other world leaders, especially Hitler. The absence of any concrete action other than the compilation of a report which condemned Japan, gave the impression that the League would not take any serious action against any countries with expansionist aims. This would help to inspire Hitler to acquire territory and land in the years before WW2. Therefore, the League no longer served as an effective deterrent to aggressive action after 1933. It was clearly weakened as a peace keeping force after the Manchurian crisis.

  2. Thanks for this. I've collected my book during intervention and im using it to improve my answer before the lesson :)

  3. Thanks for this. I've collected my book during intervention and im using it to improve my answer before the lesson :(
